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Category: Partner Spotlight

How to Bestow Beauty (and a big glass of water!) Around the World

December 18, 2018

“Clean and green” beauty products are all the rage these days.  It seems every brand is trying to claim some “all natural” standing of some sort.   It’s all about being fragrance free, paraben free and then some.  Same thing goes for making PC claims about having a small manufacturing footprint on the earth. “Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.” is the chant.  It’s all very noble, and many companies do succeed on many levels, but a great many more are only “green washing” their brand in order to reap the marketing benefits.  They do not truly “walk the walk”, but they sure know how to “talk the talk”, or rather, spin the talk!

Want to Bring the Excitement Back to Getting Your Mail? (and I’m not talking about an Amazon delivery!)

December 16, 2018

If you’re of a certain age (like me), you will recall the excitement of getting a personal, handwritten letter in the mail. Your friend took a trip and sent you that cool postcard from Paris, or that letter from Hawaii (the one with all the sand in it!).  It was SO exciting going to the mailbox every day, hoping that “today will be the day” that the letter arrives!  And when it finally did arrive, and you had that warm envelope, which you oh so carefully opened, with the exotic stamp in your hands, and then devoured all the exciting news and tales of fun from afar…  it was magical!  You got to take a trip without leaving your living room.  You would also get to keep those “trips” forever, in some shoebox or other, where they waited to be read again, and again as a lifetime of memorable moments.

Pledgeling Partner Holiday Shopping Guide!

December 13, 2018

We partner with a lot of really great organizations. Many of which are stores that sell fantastic gifts. With the holidays rolling around, we figured it would be the perfect time to show some love for our partners and give you all a jump your holiday shopping.

Integrate Mission into Your Business: Customer Spotlight, The Knot

December 11, 2018

When you think about the many aspects of planning a wedding, it’s both exciting and overwhelming. Today’s couples are invested in ensuring their big day is both thoughtful and highly personalized. So it’s no wonder when you consider everything that comes along with that responsibility, that The Knot helps customers take into account every aspect of their wedding into consideration.

Help Make National Mutt Day Rosie!

December 4, 2018

National Mutt Day (a.k.a. National Mixed Breed Dog Day) – Learn more HERE - is celebrated on both July 31st and December 2nd.  Colleen Paige lovingly created National Mutt Day back in 2005.  A well known Celebrity Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert and Animal Welfare Advocate, Colleen wanted to help bring attention to the fact that approximately 80% of dogs in shelters are mixed breeds or “mutts”.  The two days dedicated to National Mutt Day help bring to light the very real, and very sad struggle mutts go through on a daily basis, simply because they are not as highly prized as pure breeds.  But the interesting thing is, mutts are actually healthier overall, generally better behaved and enjoy longer lifespans.  Because often mutts are not deemed as “pretty”, millions of them end up in shelters where they wait in fear, desperately hoping that one day they will find a forever home and be well-loved.