Great! You’ve made the first step to growing your online store and community through Give and Grow, so what’s next?! The following is a step-by-step guide to setting up Give and Grow in your online store.
Step 1: Choosing Your Cause
The first step in the process is to choose which nonprofit your online store will support. There are many options to choose from →
- Supporting one nonprofit: With over 2 million nonprofits registered with our platform, there is no shortage of causes to support!
- Supporting a fund: With Pledge you can choose to support a fund with quantified impacts so you can convey the impact being made!
- Support multiple nonprofits: With our Give & Grow app you can support up to 12 different nonprofits with the option to split the money evenly between them or to let the customer choose who to donate to.

Step 2: Designing Your Impact Calculator
Now that you know what cause you’re going to be supporting, it's time to get creative! Pledge gives your online store a multitude of ways to customize how your customer will view how they have impacted the world with their purchase. Some of the options that previous clients have chosen are featured below:
Step 3: Configure Your Donation
Merchant Donations - Now that we have created the backbone of the customer interaction process it’s time to figure out how each customer will view the donation amount.
Give and Grow gives you the flexibility to choose how customers will first view the donation amount; whether by product, by transaction, by fixed amount, or by the percentage you have control.
Consumer Donations - There are two types of consumer donations that Give and Grow offers: round up and add $(1) at checkout. In addition your store can choose to match the donation, and limit how much the match can be.
Step 4: Add Payment Method and Enable Donations
Now that you’ve done all the customizations you’re almost done! Now it’s time to add in the payment information and enable the donations on your online store. This process is simple and easy!
Step 5: Watch Your Business Grow Through Giving
The Give and Grow app offers real time analytics and reporting! It’s easily available on the dashboard. You can even instantly download tax receipts, donation reports, and performance analytics!
If you’d like to learn more about Give and Grow, head to our website. And if you’d like to see how Pledge can help you with your business or nonprofit’s giving program, reach out to our Impact Partnerships team at today.